Kimberley and Topaz have already introduced this tale with their typical sexy style, so I won't bore you with too many details...However we've all decided to finish the story together, so when you're done here, make sure you head over there and there to hear their perspectives if you haven't already....
And don't forget to stop by on Tuesday when we post the finales....
So the teeniest little g-string of an intro before we move onto the dirty finale:
I was sent to Toronto for a conference, which obviously meant I had to catch up with my girls. I have to re-iterate - I absolutely adore these women, and let's not forget the delicious Aurore too. Sadly the only thing preventing the weekend from going down in history as utter wanton perfection was her absence from our exploits.
So while I extended my weekend by an extra day to misbehave with my ladies, unfortunately Topaz only had the Friday evening free. I resigned myself to an incoherent session the next morning and thanked the goddess that my boss had already left...
Blah blah primping, blah blah dinner. The only bit of random trivia I will add to what you've already read? Stay up stockings? Great for posing, seducing and sitting. Not so much for walking, and definitely not dancing. So the girls were kind enough to let me walk back to the hotel after dinner to change into something a bit tighter and slinkier (and practical-er = not falling down) to match my own little black dress and off we went...
In we strutted, armed with fake names (let's face it, "Duchess" just won't do in the real world, so I went with my standby, "Belinda") and prepared for an anthropological sexperience.
And as Kimberley mentioned? Lame and potentially deflating when we first walked in. Very sparse. And greeted by Skippy. Who was indeed preoccupied with offering us shooters (Lovelies, I am not a huge drinker, so the shooter that I loved back in my undergrad days? Apparently it did not evolve with my supposed "sophisticated" palate. No more Mexican Snowshoes in the Duchess's future). Skippy was also obsessed with whether we had been there before and our marital statuses. However, (dork though I may be) we were much cooler than him for our first time there, and I do not believe for a moment that it was his first time there in 10 years as he claimed.
Sadly, Skippy seemed attached to us, and while Kimberley quickly spotted her potential victim, Topaz and I were far too polite to ditch him, and it was certainly too empty to slink off unnoticed. So, we decided to make the best of it and make him entertain us. We sent him off to dance and admired Kimberley in action.
However it wasn't long before she skipped back to gleefully tell us about "the back." It seems we were missing out on the real action. Obviously that was where we had to be. So, ditching our drinks we queued up to head around the corner. In retrospect it must have been a bit of an amusing sight to see the pack of us all lining up like tourists to see what there was to see. (Of course with Skippy in tailing after us like a puppy).
I was closer to the back of the group, so suddenly all I saw was Kimberley and her victim taking off their clothes in the locker room.
I looked at Topaz confusedly. Did I miss something?
Yes, as it happens I did. One has to store all their things in a locker and enter the back in a state of dishabille. Topaz and I looked at each other in consideration. But Kimberley was just so nonchalant about it, with a quizzical "what's the hold-up?" look on her face so we just laughed and followed her example. What else was I there for after all? When in Rome...
Victim? LOL.
Great post babe, dying to see what happens next ;)
As I've said, you've captures moments that I'm glad to read of and remind me of. And this picture is evocative of our first dinner - so sad Aurore couldn't join us...
Can't wait to see what kind of trouble you three got into next. Delightful fodder for fantasies....
-- PB
The sex club just isn't my thing, and yet... y'all make me wish I were Roman with ya. ;)
(Get it? Roamin, Roman... oh, never mind. It was funnier before I typed it.)
You SHOULD put a comma in between the HOT and the BABY, if you know what I mean HeeHee Not here, not now, but Uptown? After we croak? For the length and breadth of eternity? Taking a break after 101 or so people? Going to Sunday mass? HeeHee Meet me in Heaven, gorgeous. We’ll have fun. A whooole lotta fun. God bless you. I love you. Didju know? You’re truly wonderful2behold. From head2toe, bodyNsoul, more-than-you-know? God didn't make the rest. God makes only the best. YOU. Exactly why I love you. I love God, don’t I? So, I love you. So there. PS Lookit ‘sexponential’ first.
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