Monday, January 26, 2009

The Perfect Seduction Song

The video here is awful, but the song is fantastic.

I've always thought this would be the perfect seduction song. I mean seriously, there's no way I'd be saying no...


  1. My eyes... MY EYES!!!

    Interesting song. Based on your reaction to it I'm tempted to download a copy to have available for when I encounter some resistance.

  2. I agree with Andy, there's a reason I don't watch soap operas anymore!

    The song however is sultry!and sexy! I'd definitely get naked to it ;)

  3. At first, I thought this was "Wild is the Wind" (the Nina Simone version). But this is nice, too.

  4. Totally agree. Fiona Apple from her first album. It's on my 'songs to fuck to' playlist...


Make me hot baby...