Saturday, January 31, 2009

And Then There Were None...

So Link and I were all set to meet this weekend. I don't anticipate that it would have been anything other than drinks, but it had potential.

Then he heard from his wife. She doesn't want to sign the papers. She wants to go to counseling.

Too bad. I was looking forward to meeting him. He seemed a lot sweeter, and somehow more "with it" than any of the other men I've met on that site.

I'm doing an excellent job of whittling down my options to nothing.

Le sigh.


  1. You never know, Duchess. Opportunities can arise when least expected. Chin up, sexy.

  2. Andy's takes time to find someone...and I'm living proof that things happen when you aren't looking for them.

    I have faith you'll find someone worthy of your fabulousness soon ;)

  3. Sorry that it fell through.
    If you lived near me, I'd have a solution for you......

  4. SOOOOO frustrating! But I have to agree with Aurore on this one, I have faith as well!

  5. Nice to see you at my place, not sure how to make you hot, but I am in my underwear

  6. That's a drag. Complicated by the fact that I guess it's kinda hard to root against someone's marriage working itself out.

    It will come, though! :)

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Make me hot baby...