Wednesday, February 24, 2010

My First Strap-On!

I wore this out the other night.

Oh wait.
I don't mean I wore it OUT. Like not out of doors.

I mean I wore it until the battery stopped.

Because? It was kind of fab. I didn't want to take it off.

Let me set the scene:
After a squillion different attempts to figure out the straps I finally got it sorted. (Hi! I'm starting a Master's program in the Fall. But straps are beyond me. Who did I fuck to get that acceptance??)

Anyhow, after staring at the photo on the box a million times I finally got it right and managed to wear it the way it was meant to be worn. (Not to say that I hadn't tried it a couple of times already, oh no, I wasn't got to let my spazziness stop me from that kind of fun!)

So the other night I was...Lord I hate the word "horny" - note how infrequently you see that word in this blog - but there's really not other word for it - that's what I was: horny.

So I went onto my adult site and did a bit of exploring. And then got the brilliant idea that the entire experience would be SO MUCH better if I was wearing the strap on at the same time. I COULD TYPE AND VIBE SIMULTANEOUSLY! This is surely the best invention ever.

(Hi, I'm "Sexy" Duchess, and I've been writing a sex blog for over a year, yet I pee myself over a strap-on. Someone should revoke my sex blogger licence. Clearly.)

Anyhow, Nancy at is going to fire my ass if I don't get to the point of this post...
(Btw- everyone welcome Nancy back from her mat leave - we missed her!)

So: Remote Venus Butterfly Wearable Vibe by California Exotic Novelties is all kinds of fun.

The deets from the site:
  • Length - 4" (butterfly)
  • Girth - 6 1/4" around (with wings)
  • Width - 3 1/2"
  • Material - Thermoplastic rubber, ABS plastic, polyester (straps)
  • Powered by - 1 x AA batteries
  • Special Features - Multi-speed, comfortable nylon straps, compact and discreet, wireless, waterproof
  • Color - Purple

And I absolutely loved it. It took a second to figure out the best placement, but once it's there, it's a great time. Since I wanted to multi-task, I slipped some panties on over it, wriggled a bit to find the proper position and let it do it's thing. And I was typing and playing for the better part of an hour before I noticed it was slowly dying.

Now to be fair, I used 1 x AAA battery and it wasn't brand new, so please don't think I wore it out with my vigorous squirming or anything. I imagine a shiny new battery would last quite a bit longer.

To add some reality to the situation:
It's not a mind-blowing crazy vibe. It's strong enough, but more subtle. I liked it for exactly what I used it for - a steady stimulation to keep me turned on while I did something else. I could see myself using it while I write or just wandering around my condo doing housework.

The only negative I have to say about the entire thing is that the battery took a while to "take." I had to press the button several times before it got going. I replaced it with about 3 different batteries before I actually gave up then noticed a buzzing sound a few minutes later and realized it was the vibe.

But aside from that? I have nothing bad to say about it. It was a lot of fun, and something that will definitely be going into my "vibes-I-use-and-like" box rather than the "vibes-I-reviewed-and-wish-I-could-find-someone-kinky-enough-to-take-off-my-hands" box.

Duchess rating: 4 out of 5.

Now the real question is: would I wear this OUT? So tempting ....we'll have to see...


  1. Hmmmm ... Will have to look into getting me one of these ... Certainly would make work a whole lot more fun!!!

    Thanks for the post.

  2. Yes, I think you would. If given the proper incentive. :)

    -- PB

  3. i'm pleased to read this because i was looking at one on a site and it looked interesting, but i wasn't sure i would like it or not. like you, i seem to have great trouble with simple things like straps and such. i was giggling here at your masters comments. too funny, and believe me, i can relate.

    steady stimulation while doing something else sounds quite delightful. you've given me something to think about sexy duchess.


Make me hot baby...