Friday, January 1, 2010

Girls Gone Wild

I woke up last Saturday feverish and restless. What could be the matter?
I stepped out to be violated by the Goddess's cool, slick violation and from there got myself into even more trouble.

Translation? I was sick, and got into an icy car accident.
I needed a break. Fortunately it came in the form of a middle of the night flight to the dangerous liaisons of Aurore.

The trip consisted of what most of you would expect: sex shops, half-naked dancing, stilettos, alcohol, stockings, decolletage, chocolate, boudoir photography...

And maybe a few things you wouldn't expect: Tyra Banks, pop culture, mummies, cooking, musicals, art...

And the absolute highlight? A hot five hour session with three of the most erotically beautiful, stimulating and intelligent women that I could have ever hoped to meet.

Curious to know a bit more about the Errant Wife, Topaz and Aurore?

The Errant Wife: while you won't be surprised to find her as a beautiful and engaging woman, you might not expect her to be so genuinely warm and inclusive as well. She is one of the few people I've met who is a fantastically good listener, yet at the same time has truly insightful and fun things to say.

Topaz: Exotically beautiful and smart, yet knows what she wants. Has a firm grasp on how the world works and manages to balance her complex life with style and grace and fun. AND? She greeted us with gifts when she arrived...

Aurore: Hilariously blunt and confident. A truly independent woman who knows herself, and has the intelligence and ability to go out and get what she wants from life. And? An amazingly gracious hostess and tour guide- I cannot wait until the next time we can get together.

I'm generally accustomed to being the "smart" one in a group, but compared to these women, I felt positively flaky and mouse-like.

Now I won't tell you everything that we did, but a few highlights include: scaring away two couples sitting a bit too close to us, discussions ranging the spectrum from sex & adultery to reincarnation and academia, drinking pink cocktails, and...

Well, I'll leave the rest to your imagination.
An evening with those women is better than months of therapy bills, and I cannot wait until I can see them all again. Ladies - you have an open invitation to my place anytime.

The waiter had disappointingly little cleavage, but The Errant Wife and Topaz are beautiful, no?

Now who else is in for next time?


  1. Ha! You combined your avatar pics!!! That's awesome. Sounds like you had a wonderful time with everyone, very enviable!

  2. I'm glad you all had such a great time together!

    Are guys invited next time? Please? LOL...

  3. You are positively too kind in your complements... but you also underestimate yourself. I admire so many of the things you said that night, flaky and mouse-like are the furthest descriptors when thinking of the lovely Duchess.

    What a wonderful time. You're right - beats any therapy I've ever had!

  4. I was really hoping you four would have a fantastic time. It surely sounds like you did.

    Cracks me up that you and Aurore did the avatar-pic reshoot.

    Happy New Year to you, Duchess!

    -- PB

  5. I would so totally love to be in on the next round. Where do I send my application?

  6. Me too...Damn, me too...And glad to know you, Duchess. Please...come read me.

  7. It is remarkable, a useful phrase

  8. Love the pic of 4 fish netted legs on the bed. Very clever to get an updated version of that familiar view. If it was GGW, we're going to need a little more detail. ;)

  9. You are too kind in your compliment of me and too critical in your description of yourself!! It was indeed a wonderful night - I can't wait for the next round.


  10. Sweet! I'm glad you ladies had a great time...

    and I'm lovin' that red head. ;)

  11. Excuse, I have thought and have removed the message

  12. Love the post and pics.
    Wish I could have been there (either jacking off in the corner or participating if you wanted).
    You should visit Florida next time!

  13. love the legs. now I know [almost] for certain that the legs belong to separate women...but what about the wrought iron bed? hmmmm

    glad you had a good visit.

  14. What a fun night out, next time invite me!

  15. Girls gone wild indeed. Great line! And you ladies are all so hot and so cool. How awesome that you guys got together. When I win the lottery, we're going to get everyone in this little community together. We'll take over a hotel in Vegas and get crazy. haha!

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