Thursday, November 26, 2009

Tongue Kissing, Photo Shoots and Pillow Fights

So guess who just booked a trip to meet the seductively fabulous Mlle Aurore?

That's right, for 3 glorious days after Christmas, her and I will be having pillow fights in our underwear, making out with each other and taking advantage of as many men as possible.

Look out Ontario - the Duchess and Aurore are taking over.

So - who's going to be in the area? 'Fess up fellow Canadians.
We want to meet you, make out with you, and take naughty photos with you.

Who's in?


  1. I had no idea we were going to make out - now I'm really excited for you to get here! ;)

  2. Did I forget to mention that? Oops!

  3. How come I wasn't invited ?? ;)

    Sounds sexy... take lots of pics :)

  4. can I watch? I'm like Chancey Gardner - I like to watch [and I'm just down the road btw]

  5. Sounds like loads of fun! Don't forget to share the pictures ;-)

  6. I am choosing my underwear for the pillow fight as I blog...SO looking forward!

  7. @Aurore: Don't you love sexy surprises? LOL

  8. Totally hijacking your comments D ;)

    Kimberly: I am totally going to have to up my game for my pillow-fight attire ;)

  9. I'm a bit far away for joining in, but can I still beg to be allowed to view any pictures that might result from the fun? Pretty please? With sugar on top? :)

    Have a fantastic time!

    -- PB


Make me hot baby...