Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Of Late.

I have been feeling distinctly un-sexy and un-stimulated of late.
Please forgive my absence my darlings.

A part of me feels like simply fulfilling my outstanding review obligations and closing up shop.
My lack of participation in your lives recently virtually guarantees that people would scarcely notice my disappearance.

Please know that I still do love you all and wish you many licks and orgasms...


  1. Darling, I've missed you so much.

    And I can relate to every word: un-sexy, un-stimulated and most importantly, closing up shop (I've thought about it a lot actually).

    Hopefully, you don't go but I understand if you do.

  2. We would notice!!! I've been largely MIA as well lately, but you are one of my staples and I've been following you since I started blogging.

    Go if you need to, and be well. But I hope you'll stick around a while longer.

    Whatever you decide to do, thanks for being her. I've enjoyed your blog.

    Oh, what I would give to go have an evening with you and that other sweetheart Aurore. (And I'm not talking about sex - I would love to spend some time with you two.)

    If you do go, please keep in touch.

  3. As with Andy, you are one of my staples from the get go. I've wanted to know what you are up to and hope you don't go, but if you must, I send my love and wishes for your happiness. Do let us know your plans...

  4. My lack of participation in your lives recently virtually guarantees that people would scarcely notice my disappearance.

    Not remotely. We would be very upset indeed. Please don't make us beg to keep you around -- it's not dignified. :)

    -- PB

  5. This happens to all of us. It's something I can relate to having experienced much of it myself lately. It's nice that its just a phase and not a permanent change, at least for me.

  6. Aurore - Thanks darling - love you...

    Andy- Aww thanks - you've been around since day 1 for me too. :)

    Topaz - You're so sweet...kisses!

    PB - ugh, I didn't mean to sound needy...

    Dewey - most likely it's just a phase for me too...


Make me hot baby...