Sunday, September 20, 2009

In Defense of Second Base

First base is kissing - how deeply may be open to debate, but the fact remains - it is universally agreed that first base has been reached once two sets of lips meet.

Third base? Well in my mind, that involves two people naked, but neither have either penetrated nor been penetrated. Some may allow for oral sex at this base, and some may not. Personally I would allow it, as I believe that a sound argument can be made for a the sanctity of a person's virginity if they have only experienced oral sex. (I could write an entire post on this topic, but it's not my immediate point for today...)

Home base? Well, be it with a tongue or fingers or cock thrusting into pussy - I think we can agree that this is the final destination. Once this has been reached, one's innocence has become a memory.

But what about second base? A base that receives far too little attention in my humble opinion. So many glorious sensations to be experienced there.

To me, second base is all about the most delicate, sensitive and under appreciated sex organ on the body: the skin.

A few short centuries ago, the only opportunity for men and women to touch while unmarried was while dancing. Perhaps that's why they did it so often and so artfully. They knew something that we've forgotten - that touch was something sensual and forbidden. To touch each other was an illicit temptation.

We seem to forget that fact so quickly now in our haste to paw at each other. But with each new beginning we are reminded. Before we ever find ourselves straddling and thrusting, it all begins with the intoxicating simplicity of skin touching skin.

Remember how beautifully erotic it can be to simply lie together - unclothed- feeling each other. Intercourse itself can last mere moments, but exploratory caresses can be prolonged to infinity.

To simply lie together requires one to exercise restraint - yet opens you up to eternities of possibilities, imaginings and memories of adolescent wet dreams.

To be a woman - allowing yourself to be open and vulnerable- to gift your trust to another - a moment of unacknowledged care and devotion that you've allowed this other being to possess...
For that moment in time, you have permitted them to explore and handle you. It is a thing of beauty to be cherished. This moment. This allowance.

And what will they give in return? For one does not relinquish such a treasure without expecting something in response.

In return- the woman seeks release. Release from the mundane trivialities of the surrounding world. In return she expects to be worshiped and venerated. To have an private world woven for her of intimate caresses, soft licks and kisses, and beguiling whispers.

The skin is a generous organ- allowing for any number of sensations- ranging from a gentle breeze to a cascading wave of drowning passion.

To feel his fingers tracing along your clavicle - perhaps as his tongue licks your earlobe. How primed are you already? Would this be a delight? Creating shivers and goosebumps? Or might this result too quickly in a soft moan and nails digging into flesh?

To simply look on each other naked is tantamount to surging arousal, as nude bodies are unquestionably sublime works of art. For millenia artists have deicated countless hours and canvasses to the glorification of the human form.

Do we not deserve more than perfunctory groping and thrusting at each other? The gift of pleasuring one another is something that should occasionally be savoured and appreciated like a fine wine.

When we lie alone at night we are reminded of this fact each time we touch ourselves. We do not fumble and grab at our bodies. We sensuously caress and allow ourselves time to build up to arousal. We understand that we are not in a constant state of sexual readiness - to get "into the mood" onerequires a delicate seduction - even if it is a solo activity. We understand when we are following our solitary pursuits that simply touching out skin may be sufficient - before genital stimulation ever occurs.

So I challenge you thus - when next you find yourself with your lover, why not forsake the easy release of penetration and pursue the more challenging endeavour of bringing them to orgasm simply through second base rated touch. A "skin orgasm" if you will...


  1. LOVE this post, its something that woman seem to crave and most men avoid, pushing past it hastily...bring it on I say! You summed up the sensations, emotions, reactions beautifully...

  2. Definitely a fun way to spend an hour or two. I agree completely.

    -- PB

  3. You touched on a subject that, as you said, too many of us overlook as we 'paw' at each other. That's a great way of describing it.

    I do enjoy the delicious art of restraint as you lay naked beside a lover. It is the definitive argument for you post.

    The next time anyone questions second base in my presence, I'll say skin. If they don't get it, I'll know they're all paws.

  4. Agreed, and nicely expressed! Sometimes I'm really happy just spending naked time together, though my wife is always suspect, lol. "Naked cuddling" I like to call it. Sometime it leads to other bases or home plate, other times not. I'm happy sometimes just laying together, feeling the warmth and closeness, rubbing my hands all over that body!

  5. i was doing this last night, albeit with the power of words i was merely describing to a young chap how I react when my neck is stimulated and he was very, very appreciative of my descriptions.
    Love your writing and honesty.You make me glad I have a vagina and a way with words

  6. "A few short centuries ago, the only opportunity for men and women to touch while unmarried was while dancing. Perhaps that's why they did it so often and so artfully."

    This reminds me of a quote I heard years ago: "Dancing is a vertical expression of a horizontal desire." (I have no idea who said it, though)

  7. @dragonmage
    It was George Bernard Shaw

  8. Oh yes, oh yes indeed! Brilliant post and brilliant challenge!


Make me hot baby...