Sunday, August 23, 2009

I Popped My Pink Cherry...

The positively glorious Nancy at Pink Cherry.Com Sex Toys made a Duchess's wet dreams come true the other day by sending me a whole box of toys to play with. I cannot wait to tell you all about them.

The first item on the list? The Silicone Intimate Diver Vibe California Exotic Novelties. And first off, ladies - I have just two words for you:

Buy this. (Ridiculously reasonably priced at $29.88)


I'll tell you all the minute little details, but really - I mean it. Go buy this. Right now.
I absolutely meant to save this to the end, after I'd reviewed everything else she sent me, but this toy was just phenomenal - and I felt compelled to tell you all about it right now.

Mundane deets:
Made of silicone, takes 3 AAA batteries, can be cleaned with regular soap and water. The toy is tasteless and odorless, and pretty quiet. The vibe has 3 speeds, with a little button at the bottom of the base - press once for low, twice for medium, three times for Oh My God.

Sexy deets:
Have you looked at the photo? The shape is awesome. I was initially just fascinated because most toys tend to look rather phallic, but this one definitely has method to it. Surprisingly, the vibe end is what you use for penetration and g-spot stimulation. There is a double-ended tail to tickle the clit. With all my other toys, it's the other way around with the vibe used on the clit.

There are also some positively delicious ridges all the way around the vibe end to get some extra stimulation while thrusting. And of course the vibe end can be used on the clit as well- it's a very strong vibe with a dolphin-shaped head.

I used a water-based lube on this the first time, but really didn't find that I needed it too much. (The first time being so successful that I was simply wet with anticipation the second time...)

Less Sexy deets:
I know a review should be well-rounded and say something negative, but I have simply nothing bad to say about this toy. All I can say is that I didn't find the tail to stimulate my clit as much as I would have liked. I did enjoy using the vibe end there.

But this toy? Is quite simply fabulous my darlings. Ladies buy one. Gentlemen - buy one for your ladies.

In Canada? Buy one here.
4/5 stars.


  1. I love the title cute ;) I'm jealous - a whole box of toys!

  2. Man, I pretty much had nothing good to say about this one.


Make me hot baby...