Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Duchess Memes

Here are the rules:

1. Mention the person (or people) who tagged you - this would be my darling Topaz
2. Complete the lists of 8s.
3. Tag 8 other bloggers and let them know they have been tagged.

8 things I am looking forward to:
- This weekend
- The end of this diet I'm on
- the next email from my latest online conquest
- going to bed tonight
- the next group post on Saturday
- receiving my new toys from both Calexperts and
- my next paycheque
- my next kiss

8 things I did yesterday: (not so interesting due to the circumstances)
- called in sick with a migraine
- slept in deliciously late
- watched a bit of the Empire Strikes Back on Spike
- read a book
- answered work emails from home
- paid for my car insurance
- ate asparagus soup
- called my building manager

8 things I wish I could do:
- have sex tonight
- fit into a size 6
- eat chocolate without guilt
- write better
- drive standard
- see without corrective lenses
- read Jane Eyre without falling asleep
- public speak without freaking out

8 shows I watch:
- Supernatural (As Topaz said, cause Dean is a God)
- Ugly Betty
- Dollhouse
- Lost
- The Mentalist
- Criminal Minds
- Bones
- Buffy/Angel/Firefly on DVD

8 favourite fruits: (I like the classics)
- Apple (red)
- banana
- avocado
- tomato
- grapes (green)
- strawberry
- pineapple
- pear

8 places I'd like to travel:
- England
- Russia
- Norway
- California
- New York
- Quebec
- France
- Greece

8 places I've lived:

Who to tag? Everyone already has done this. So I tag anyone reading. If you do it, let me know and I promise to comment with something absolutely riveting.


  1. Oh, it would be the demons who would have to wait it out if I got Dean inside a circle of salt with me... ;-)

  2. The 8 meme is fun and puts out like random everyday stuff about us that we would not work into our blog otherwise.

    Hope the headache is much better baby!!



Make me hot baby...