Monday, July 13, 2009

Who Wants a Free Vibrator??

So my darling Kathy over at Fantasy Emporium was kind enough to send me this beautifully girly toy to try out. Isn't she a dear?

And guess what? Someone gets to win a whole new one of their very own too!

Here are the deets:


The Hydro Bunny Pearl Vibe takes 4 AAA batteries, and on the whole is pretty quiet.
There are actually 3 areas of stimulation - a rotating head, rotating pearls inside and a clit stimulator.
The direction of the rotating pearls can be reversed, and the clit stimulator can be set to either high or low.

The OK:

The buttons are a bit touchy- they needed a bit of encouragement to work the first time I tried it out. The second night I had no problems with them at all, so perhaps it just needed a day or so to warm up to me.

The super sexy:
The clit stimulator is pretty strong, and the shaft is definitely penetratable and thrustable.
There are also little studs all over the shaft for some extra stimulation. *Purr*

The editorial:
There is a LOT going on with this sex toy. Rotating head, moving pearls, vibrating clit, studs. It's like they took the best of every toy and included it in this one.

I however am a lightweight. I've mentioned this before with other reviews. I found the toy to be big - and I definitely needed some additional lube to "encourage" the head in. It's absolutely not for the faint of heart. But I can see how it would be awesome for someone who (unlike yours truly) hasn't gone a few months without any sex.

Overall? I give it 3.5 stars out of 5. And I'm definitely going to keep working with it to open myself up a bit more- because this toy is worth a little extra effort.

So who wants one???

Here's how you can enter:
1. Tweet about the contest, and then send me the link to the tweet in the comments, or simply include and @ to me in the tweet..
2. Blog about the contest, and send me the link to the post in the comments.
3. (My personal favourite - cause I'm nosy this way) Go to the Fantasy Emporium site and tell me which sex toy there you would LOVE to try/own.

Every entry gives you one more chance to win, and feel free to do each one multiple times!

I'm even going to run this for a bit longer than my last contest - you have until Friday, July 17 at midnight to enter.


  1. I tweeted I tweeted :) :

  2. Duly tweeted!

  3. I'm still hunting and this intrigues me. ;)

    (I'll blog it too)

  4. I've been wanting some nipple clamps. These look fun:

    imaginetori @ gmail dot com

  5. Maybe I'm the only one who doesn't own one of these and I want one!
    Sure I'd use it as a back massager too ;)

  6. ...and here's the link to my blog post.

  7. I can't access the website because of my firewall at work, but to be honest, I'm very intrigued by the Hydro Bunny Pearl Vibe that is the giveaway. I hope this can qualify as an entry...

  8. I want the pleasure paddle!!!!!


Make me hot baby...