Thursday, May 7, 2009

A Long Slow Seduction Continued...

Continued from here...

All I want is to savour each gasp, each movement. To truly be in the moment and relish each time his fingers tighten and when his body unconsciously opens itself to me.

I want to own him - to possess his desire. To command his lust. I want to wipe his mind clean of every other thought - to create in it one single-minded purpose. To want me. Only me.

His hands, his cock, his tongue crave only my taste, my touch. Only my cunt will provide him with release. We must consume each other.

As my cunt throbs at the very thought of him, as I drip with heat and desire, as I ache with wanting - so I want him to reciprocate a thousand-fold. My obsession isn't enough. I want the very thought of me to create in him the same depths of arousal, of heat of hardness, or pure unrelenting blinding lust.

Kissing him, tongues hot and thrusting, nipples against each other, hands exploring, legs entwined...suddenly this isn't enough for me.

I untangle my legs from his and before he has a chance to think or respond, my hand reaches up to massage his groin. Not tentatively. Not asking his permission silently - but hard. Demanding a response. Insisting on an answering groan and gasp of surprise. He knows what I want.

I crawl down towards his cock, licking and biting his nipples along the way...

Not a word has been spoken between us. What could we possibly say that would evoke the reaction I'm seeking? "I want you? Fuck me?" Words are inadequate. Nothing can express the fire he ignites inside me. Only action can demonstrate my need. Only the feeling of tongue, teeth and flesh against flesh can ever come close to creating the demanding response that I long for.

I unzip his pants and release his cock. It is hard, hot and larger than life. I've thought about this moment for what feels like an eternity.


I lower myself down and give it the taste that I'd only imagined until now. As I hear his initial gasp I feel my power...


  1. Yum...lovely dear!

  2. I've been thinking a lot about this idea of consumption lately. I'm wondering if fire that's too hot can burn???

  3. *fans self*

    Honey, send the man a link to this post - he will be banging your door down!

  4. With this bit of writing, you should remember these words if you feel yourself the shrinking violet in public. There's so much force in them! :-)

  5. DAMN!!! HOT DAMN!!! welcum back, its been a while and well worth the wait! :)

  6. I LOVE THIS! Spectacularly hot!! Wow!


Make me hot baby...