Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Touch Me

I'm not an ass person. I've never been able to understand it when my girlfriends would comment about a man's butt. I could analyze that butt quite objectively and see absolutely nothing comment-worthy about it, or any other specimen for that matter.

And heaven help any person who grabbed, pinched, clapped or in any other way acknowledged my posterior. No good can come of it. I can't explain it. Everyone has a thing, and I guess that's mine.

So what would be my feature of choice on a man? If I had to pick one part of their body to admire and create lust-filled fantasies about? It would be their hands. I can't imagine finding any part of the body more erotic or arousing.

What other part of the anatomy can bring on such a variety of sensations? And the fact that there's two of them - well, there's a reason the expression "double the pleasure" exists.

A single finger tracing up your ribs or spine can cause shivers to erupt throughout the entire body... A palm cupping a breast or fingers pinching a nipple...One hand tickling behind the knee, while the other winds itself in your hair, pulling your head back and making your back arch...A thumb grazing your inner thigh, then gripping your leg and pulling it up over his hip...

Strong large hands- each one by itself having the ability to bind both of my wrists, pinning them behind my back or over my head - leaving the other free to rub my clit and feel the resulting heat and wetness.

A man can bring me to orgasm with his hands alone. Could I truly say that about his tongue or penis? Can they create the same results without the aid of any other body part? Without the aid of fingers or teeth?

Well, OK maybe. If he's doing it right. But if I had to choose? It's still all about the hands...


  1. Their hands? God, me too. Such a simple thing, yet so wrought with potential. :)

  2. I'm with you - nice strong, knowing, well groomed hands...mmm.

  3. Oh yes indeed. Oh yes. Nicely said.

  4. Interesting. I'm a hand person as well. The woman I'm currently seeing has the most beautiful hands. Long, delicate, perfectly shaped fingers with alabaster skin. The first compliment I ever gave her was about her hands.

  5. Aren't you glad I posted a HNT on my hand? ;)

  6. Well put, my dear. Agree.



  7. I love hands as well... and arms!!!!

    And I just found you too! The lust is mutual, darling ;)


Make me hot baby...