Monday, January 19, 2009

Vignettes V

- So Bunny Ears and I seem to have petered off. We've had a few texts here and there, and mentioned getting together over the holidays, but it never happened. He's a bit too much hassle anyways, I mean I've had less difficulty scheduling appointments with local dignitaries than getting together with him. I'm choosing to not let it affect my ego.

- My brother mentioned to me a few of his difficulties with his girlfriend the other day. I could cheerfully have gone my whole life without knowing how conservative he is sexually, and knowing what she was trying to initiate with him. Awkward.

- I took down my profile from one site the other day. I was a bit put off by some of the messages I was getting. However I forgot that I had a profile on another site, and suddenly I seem to be getting a lot of attention over there. It's a whole different crowd at the other site, so maybe I'll hang there for a while.

- I haven't met Link yet, it seems like he has joint custody of his children, so getting together with him is quite legitimately challenging. He's quite sweet, so I'm content to be patient.

- I did get a couple of emails re: my post below- I would love to see some more!


  1. Interesting update...can't wait to see what happens with Link.

  2. I could cheerfully have gone my whole life without knowing how conservative he is sexually, and knowing what she was trying to initiate with him.

    But now *I* wanna know. Please tell me it's something beyond freaky involving unidentifiable paraphilia. Here: handy Wikipedia list o' weirdness.

  3. Re more: I'm thinking about it. Work calls, and not in a subtle way.


Make me hot baby...