Wednesday, December 31, 2008

HNT- Duchess Edition

So many of you are posting your favourite HNT's, and I haven't done any. I must confess, I've tried- but I seem incapable of figuring out my camera's timer- and my arms just don't seem long enough to get what I want in the photos.

I will however post some of my attempts...
Hopefully by NYE 2009 I will have sorted it all out, and won't know how to choose my faves (like most of you!)
Le sigh. I am not a photographer.

Anyhow, have a fabulous New Year my darlings! I'm so happy to have met you all in the past couple of months!


  1. Lovely!

    I'm also a little camera challenged so don't feel bad practice makes perfect!

  2. You have some very lovely attempts.

    Happy HNT and Happy New Year.

  3. LOL. The Best of the Duchess 2008. Thansk for sharing. Have a Happy New Year.

  4. Those are terrible photos, Duchess. Just terrible. You clearly need a fellow blogger to come over and take them for you. Please let me know what day is convenient.

    They are very nice. Sexy legs.

    I made an unsuccessful attempt today. It's not easy.

  5. For having short arms, you have taken great pictures!

  6. You may not be a photographer (I disagree), but you are hot (I hope you agree.)

    Happy New Year.


Make me hot baby...