Saturday, November 8, 2008

Random Vignettes...

Just a few little tidbits from the last few days...

I am speaking with Adonis far too much. I am starting to like him. My resolve is definitely wavering on this one. He wants me to meet him next weekend.
Whenever we chat on MSN he keeps changing his photo - just so I can see his general shape. but too distant for me to tell what he actually looks like. He said that I won't get better photos until I agree to meet him and have sex.

I offered him second base next weekend in exchange for a photo. I haven't received a photo yet, but this of course led to what the actual definition of second base is. His thoughts are a lot more liberal than mine. I'm thinking anything goes with at least underwear still on.

Tongue yes. Nipples yes. His erection and my wetness separated by the barest slip of fabric...

He seems to think that oral fits into second base. Third base is sex.
Home run is crazy dirty sex.

Any thoughts on this my darling reader or two?

Then there's the out of town couple. They also want to meet me next weekend. They're disappointed with my lack of naughty photos, so they want to rectify the situation for me.
They asked if I live alone, but I very carefully dodged that question. They may have just been curious to know if I was attached and cheating- but I wasn't willing to give out that sort of info.
They also ordered me to get a web cam.

Which leads me to my next vignette. Kyle wants to know if I have a webcam. No.
That's too bad - he wants us to "play together." I was a bit surprised, but I suppose I should have expected's not going to be the last time I get this request...
He told me that he wanted to jerk off and have me watch. At this stage of the evening I noticed that Adonis had logged in, so I offered Kyle a rain cheque on the jerking off.

(Technological question: do we both need a camera in order for us to see each other? I.e if he has a camera, can I watch him?? Must do research.) Anyways, Kyle got all girly and bitchy- acted like I was blowing him off. (And not in a good way). Sorry Kyle- that kind of attitude is not gonna win you seduction points.

Then there's Mr. America. He says hello and immediately asks me my chest size. I tell him I'm in the D's. He then wants to know if I have large nipples and areolae. Nope, pretty average I would think.

We chit chat a bit. And he seems surprised that I hadn't asked him about his cock size yet. I told him that I was more than happy to hear about it if he wanted to tell me. For the record: thick shaft, balls shaved, 8 1/2 inches.

Honestly, I think that men are more preoccupied with size than most women are. I mean really? The best sex I ever had was with a guy who was four inches. I know it's cliché and all, but it really is all in how you use it.

His profile was kind of unclear, so I asked him where exactly he was in the world - in Vegas, or in Pennsylvania. He said that he wished he was in me. Cheesy. Between that, his size preoccupation, and the fact that it took five minutes between each comment he would type - I quickly lost interest.

I know I'm not looking for a deep meaningful connection and all, but c'mon men- I really would like a bit of repartee so I know that we'll have something to talk about before and after. There has to be a few words exchanged here and there.

Which is my problem with Adonis. He was so fucking "horny" last night. We normally have these great chats. But last night it was interspersed with how much he wanted to put his tongue between my legs. I told him about the photography offer from out of town couple and he said that I should see him next weekend and he would take care of it. Apparently my stockings (see profile photo) really turn him on too. He says he wants to cum all over them.

Seriously, every time I'm done talking to him I either have to pull out my vibrator to release the tension, or last night it just ended in a really hot fast masturbation session. I don't know how he does it to me with just words. I know very well that I'm not going to manage to stick to my resolve with him. Attached or not, all I want to do is fuck him.


  1. Well, after reading all your posts and getting all caught up with you - I can say that Adonis isn't who he is. Have you ever considered that he may be lying about the no sex part? Or that the wife has a perfectly reasonable excuse for not wanting him ever again?

    What is setting my alarm off is the fact you've never had a CLEAR photo of him. All he does is give you undivided attention and get you all hot, wet, randy, itching, dripping, and all the euphemisms that doesn't contain the word "horny". ;)

  2. fun blog!

    Re: the webcam. You do not need one in order to see him. I watched my internet guy for months before I finally got my own cam.

    size? who cares? Men. They're the only ones who care.

  3. Nolen- thanks for stopping by! Yes, the thought has occurred to me that he is absolutely lying. I am not that naive- but still...ugh...convictions hanging on by a thread...

    Coquette- good to see you! And Ok, I am all set to at least voyeur, if not perform then..

  4. I thought first was kissing; second was tits; third was oral; home run was sex....


Make me hot baby...